Saturday, September 29, 2012

Creativity - ¡La Guitarraǃ

After spending much time in the summer to learn reading music notes, I have now become quite fluent and am able to play music without numbering/labeling. Also, I practiced playing the guitar quite regularly in August and September. This was partially because of my excitement to play my first personal guitar (I used to share my brother’s guitar earlier).

In my classes during these two months with Mr. Netaji, I started to learn two new classical songs. These were: an anonymous waltz tune and ‘Speak Softly Love’, i.e. the theme from the movie series Godfather. Other than these, I have been practicing my previous notations and many strumming songs. While practicing my previously learnt strumming techniques, bass notes and riffs, I have also started to learn songs of my choice from the internet for my personal interest. Thus, I am planning my own activities by taking initiative for my own learning. Using internet sources such as YouTube have enabled easy access to and easy learning of many unknown helpful aspects through which I improved my sound quality. Thus, I became aware of many areas of improvements and possible amendments through instructional videos. I intend to continue my guitar sessions as such with minimum interruptions and accompany them with regular practice at home.

Service - Recycling commences :)

The Recycling and Sustainability service programme at OSC has been quite successful in its initiation. Jennifer Andersson ( and I were chosen as co-leaders for this activity and we have been working under the supervision of Mr. Ian Lockwood for this first month, i.e. September. 

The following students will be taking part in Recycling and Sustainability for Semester 1:

Aagney Menon
Akila Liyanage
Amrit Dayanand
Greta Rocchi
Hyung Suk Cho
Ji-Yul Ha
Malaika Salman
Nathan Omprasadham
Patrick Hofbauer
Shikhir Sapra
Yoon Jae Hwang
Ysobella Grieve-Darcy
The first session was held on 6th of September. On the day, a previously planned introduction and many organized ice-breakers were carried out to start the activity in order to promote group bonding and community service spirit. No recycling material was collected that day, and in its place, an inventory of recycling boxes was conducted in the whole school. Thus, groups were created based on random chits picked out of a basket. 5 pairs and 1 group of three were formed such that the co-leaders would alternately participate in the collection of paper. The other co-leader would maintain the recycling room and organize collected recycling material for transport to the recycling center. By the end of the day, I developed new skills of addressing students with a formal introductory speech by overcoming the challenge of speaking in front of a group as a leader, and guiding the students by leading as a role model.

Many changes such as adding a lock to the recycling room and attaching a rule sheet describing the aim of the service and the recyclable materials to the room differentiate this activity from last year, and ensure an organized and systematic system of functioning.

In the most recent session on 27th of September, Jenn and I visited the recycling center together for the first time this semester and sold approximately 122 Kg of paper and 30 Kg of cardboard that had been collected over the duration of a few weeks. We earned a total of SL Rs. 910. Visiting the center has echoed the local and global importance of the activity to me. The service not only helps to implement and encourage the ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ system within the school community, however, on a local level it benefits the recycling centers which act as middlemen between the consumers, i.e. the disposers, and the recyclers, i.e. the processing and recycling companies. On a global level, the whole cycle is not only eco-friendly; however, it is the simplest solution to resource depletion related problems. David Morris aptly said that “The case for recycling is strong. The bottom line is clear. Recycling requires a trivial amount of our time. Recycling saves money and reduces pollution. Recycling creates more jobs than landfilling or incineration. And a largely ignored but very important consideration, recycling reduces our need to dump our garbage in someone else’s backyard.” Furthermore, on a personal level, I have been inspired by the ethical implications of this activity to see the usefulness of so called waste. As a result, I have decided to contribute old newspapers and other recyclable materials from my house to the school service instead of disposing them as waste.

By planning our weekly sessions meticulously and meeting at least once before every session, I feel that we, i.e. the co-leaders and Mr. Lockwood, have collaborated very well to pace the activity and completely set it on track for achievement of major goals through the year-long journey to come. The students enrolled in the service this year are active and diligent participants, and with their collaboration, Recycling and Sustainability can be successful in achieving its long-term goals while also spreading the message of eco-friendly and sustainable living to the school and local community.

Readers, you can follow Recycling and Sustainability @ OSC on

Given below are a few photographs from the recycling service sessions of this month. (Photographs by Mr. Ian Lockwood.)

The hard-working recycling group! (Some members diligently at work are not seen in photograph.)

Preparations for the first trip to the recycling center.

Me addressing the recycling group.

My introductory speech on the 6 September, the first recycling session.

Commencing the ice-breakers.

The recycling group students at work.
I am now looking forward to replicate, and where possible, improve, the work we have done till date for the coming future. :)

Action - Sports Day!

It was an action packed day today. As a member of the GREEN HOUSE team I was involved in two major sports, i.e. basketball and soccer. It was surely a challenge for me as I had not played these two sports in a long time. Thus, I did a small stretch and jog routine to warm up and waken my whole body for the upcoming exciting sports session. The first sport I took part in was soccer. In the two initial matches, I played as a defender. The following matches, I moved up to be a mid-fielder and a successful striker by scoring assisting various goals and scoring one myself as well. By playing collaboratively with my team members and maintaining an unbending perseverance to participating and playing with my best efforts, I was able to make many new friends and interact comfortably with all. The sport tested my physical stamina as well as my mental ability to stay in the game.

Basketball was much more challenging, and personally much more fun. It was very tiring initially as I was unorganized and had not maintained a consistent position. Following the advice of a teammate, I collaborated with my team to maintain a strong defensive and offensive formation. Thus, not only did this new skill enable me to contribute more usefully in the final 3 matches, however, the team played more efficiently and was able to convert most attempts into baskets! I was very happy since I had assisted many of my team’s baskets and successfully added a couple 2 pointers myself.

These sports were followed by an athletic team challenge. In this, the house team with the most laps in a certain period of time would win the modified baton-relay. I ran 2 laps out of the many laps run by my team. In the end, I was very happy with my effort as I had performed well in collaboration with my team.

Green House came third out of the four houses in the Secondary school! Even though the results were quite surprising, I was impressed by having an increased awareness of my strengths and weaknesses in sports. Over time, by punctually and regularly attending my weekly badminton sessions, I have developed the ability to adapt as a sportsperson in a variety of situations. Thus, I was successful in being a useful member to my team by collaborating and assisting effectively. However, I feel that my physical stamina can be improved marginally by maintaining my regular badminton sessions, and also, by adding other sports and some work-out routines to my time-table. This can be achieved and thus, I will be attempting to find as much time as possible out of the rigorous IB Diploma academics to work towards my goals while still maintaining the crucial balance between extra-curricular activities and studies!

Given below are a few photographs of me enjoying the day in a sporty fashion. (Photographs by Harshini Karunaratne. Thank you!)

Me juggling the ball into play after defending a shot.

Moving in to defend the ball.

Me attempting a 2-pointer.

My teammate following through with a shot after an assist from me.

Moving into the position for defence.



Me playing as the 'lone defender'.

Action - Badminton continues...

I believe that badminton is my most consistent activity. For the last one and a half years, I have regularly attended weekly sessions with my brother and played against many relatively more experienced players (with relatively few exceptions). My commitment to this activity is fueled by my passion for badminton and sports. 

August and September have been very special months for me in terms of badminton. I attended all my sessions punctually during this time, except for the one on 23rd September due to Extended Essay works. By spending much time over summer, I had further improved many skills and developed new skills in variation and fake shots. Thus, in these months, I mostly played very rigorous matches against strong, agile and physically fit players. I was successful in posing a challenge, however, not very consistent in winning the matches. By reflecting upon my play, I have identified my strengths and areas of growth. My strengths are being committed and skillful, i.e. playing smartly and nicely responding to my opponents shots in both offensive and defensive manners. On the other hand, my strength and agility can be further improved through more practice and more action. Thus, I intend to continue my sessions in a similar fashion!

Below are a few photographs taken during the badminton session on 1st September.

Me playing a backhand shot.

The scorpion position is very important for agility in the game.

Reaching for a drop shot. (I am on the opposite side of the court.)

Placement helps me to easily tire 'easier' opponents.


Me serving in a doubles match against more experienced players.

Hitting a cross-court smash!