Saturday, September 29, 2012

Action - Sports Day!

It was an action packed day today. As a member of the GREEN HOUSE team I was involved in two major sports, i.e. basketball and soccer. It was surely a challenge for me as I had not played these two sports in a long time. Thus, I did a small stretch and jog routine to warm up and waken my whole body for the upcoming exciting sports session. The first sport I took part in was soccer. In the two initial matches, I played as a defender. The following matches, I moved up to be a mid-fielder and a successful striker by scoring assisting various goals and scoring one myself as well. By playing collaboratively with my team members and maintaining an unbending perseverance to participating and playing with my best efforts, I was able to make many new friends and interact comfortably with all. The sport tested my physical stamina as well as my mental ability to stay in the game.

Basketball was much more challenging, and personally much more fun. It was very tiring initially as I was unorganized and had not maintained a consistent position. Following the advice of a teammate, I collaborated with my team to maintain a strong defensive and offensive formation. Thus, not only did this new skill enable me to contribute more usefully in the final 3 matches, however, the team played more efficiently and was able to convert most attempts into baskets! I was very happy since I had assisted many of my team’s baskets and successfully added a couple 2 pointers myself.

These sports were followed by an athletic team challenge. In this, the house team with the most laps in a certain period of time would win the modified baton-relay. I ran 2 laps out of the many laps run by my team. In the end, I was very happy with my effort as I had performed well in collaboration with my team.

Green House came third out of the four houses in the Secondary school! Even though the results were quite surprising, I was impressed by having an increased awareness of my strengths and weaknesses in sports. Over time, by punctually and regularly attending my weekly badminton sessions, I have developed the ability to adapt as a sportsperson in a variety of situations. Thus, I was successful in being a useful member to my team by collaborating and assisting effectively. However, I feel that my physical stamina can be improved marginally by maintaining my regular badminton sessions, and also, by adding other sports and some work-out routines to my time-table. This can be achieved and thus, I will be attempting to find as much time as possible out of the rigorous IB Diploma academics to work towards my goals while still maintaining the crucial balance between extra-curricular activities and studies!

Given below are a few photographs of me enjoying the day in a sporty fashion. (Photographs by Harshini Karunaratne. Thank you!)

Me juggling the ball into play after defending a shot.

Moving in to defend the ball.

Me attempting a 2-pointer.

My teammate following through with a shot after an assist from me.

Moving into the position for defence.



Me playing as the 'lone defender'.

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