Thursday, February 23, 2012

Service - Library Service (January - February, 2012)

Library Service continued after the winter vacation with the same amount of thrill and enthusiasm about tidying the library and helping the community! The participants in the third quarter of the year supervised by the OSC Head Librarian Ms. Raina Lockwood are:
  • Skylor Knoll (12.A) - CAS leader
  • Charity Dowers (12.1M) - CAS leader
  • Philipp Hofbauer (12.1A) - CAS Blog Manager
  • Onkar Ashish (11.2LE)
  • Satyanshu Sapra (11.2L)
  • Humza Usmani (11.2L)
  • Constantine Hempel (10.1R)
  • Greta Rocchi (9.2S)
  • Christiane Amare (8.2H)
  • Tulika Khosla (8.1G)
  • Alo Lenk-Walker (8.1G)
  • Beda Bellugue O’Leary (7.2R)
  • Sejuti Sarkar (8.1G) 

The hourly after school service session took place as usual on every Thursday. I attended all the sessions punctually and worked till the end with complete dedication. Lots of returned books had to be placed in the designated spots on the correct shelves. I worked with my "non-fiction" team members to complete this task. Later, we worked on properly arranging the books in disorganized and distorted stacks. 

I felt that the leaders had not allotted the number of workers for the respective fiction and non-fiction sections properly. As majority of the students in the service were MYP students, the small fiction area was much well organized and maintained. However, as only 4 people (including me) worked in the large non-fiction area, only a small share of the books were maintained regularly and stacked correctly.

Thus, I have suggested to the leaders that more children be moved to the "non-fiction" team in order to properly maintain the books by next month. I hope to see some new peers as a part of our team in March. 

I am also looking forward to more such busy library service sessions in March which are useful for the OSC community directly as well as indirectly!

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