April has been an action packed month for me. I have been able to continue my swimming practice along with Badminton during weekends.
Badminton continued as usual. However, the speciality was that this month was an even blend of singles competitions and doubles matches. I played in collaboration and with persistence and commitment with the other players. As my brother was the only person of my age group playing, while the remaining were experienced adults, I got many opportunities to implement my playing strategies, while also to learn new techniques by becoming aware of some of my weaknesses. For example, I tend to hit drop shots repeatedly even if the opponent is standing near the net, thus, making it easy for my opponent to 'read my game plan'. Thus, I developed the skill of using this understanding of my opponent to my own use by surprising them with corner to corner overhead shots and occasional body smashes. I would say that this month has motivated me to become more spontaneous and less planned in game play, while also smart and clever by understanding my opponents' mindset. I will continue my badminton sessions next month in the same consistent manner as in the past year while balancing my study time for the approaching exams.
Below are a few photographs and a video taken at a session that was shifted to the Royal College badminton courts.
Me at the end of a sweaty session. |
"We will learn of books and men, and learn to play the game" - Outside the Royal College badminton complex. |
Me successfully reaching for a backhand shot. |
Good communication led to no accidents and a successful game. |
Hitting a overhead clear. |
Being a part of a long rally. |
Hitting a smash against my brother. |
Playing a backhand shot in a singles match against my brother. |
A video of the instance where I learnt that being predictable can be used to one's advantage with a surprise shot.
Swimming was a special delight in the hot weather of this month. I visited the Thurstan College swimming pool for two single-hour sessions. I noted that my breath holding duration had decreased since I had not visited the pool for a few months. Thus, I started by doing some breath holding practice and underwater swimming. Later, I followed this with continuous swimming laps. I alternately did freestyle and breaststroke while also adding the backstroke at intervals. My speed was not that impressive as I lacked consistency, however, I was happy to be able to do 10 continuous laps without any breaks in the first go. These swimming sessions were really useful as they taught me about the importance of consistency and the consequences of a 'long gap' in practice.
Below are a few photographs of mine from these sessions.
Me (in the center), doing freestyle swimming. |
Underwater swimming practice. |
Me (at the back in the picture), starting a new lap. |
Completing lap with breastroke. |
Now, my aim is to be more consistent with swimming. However, due to the exams coming up next week, I feel that missing it can be excused. Thus, my sports practice will increase over the summer break. I also intend to start regular jogging and exercises in the morning at the beautiful independence square avenue park during the summer.
I am looking forward to the next few highly 'Action' packed months.
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