Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Semester 1 - Reflection

It was the first day of school today. This week is officially the last week of Semester 1 and thus, I will now reflect upon my experiences in my CAS activities during the past 4-5 months. I have been able to adhere to my personal CAS goals and participate in all my planned CAS activities in a successful manner. I have also regularly maintained my reflection blog and thus, succeeded in becoming a reflective IB student.

I have worked hard in the Creativity aspect of the CAS programme this semester. I had my last guitar class for this semester this Saturday. Now, I have completed basics, and learnt and understood many beginner guitar skills. Thus, I have completed the basics of guitar and am moving towards the moderate level. I have been able to tackle this challenge successfully. I adhered to my CAS goals and have been successful in achieving my goals. It has been an exciting semester for me and I really enjoyed developing new guitar skills. On the other hand, I took on the role as a leader in the OSC Recycling and Sustainability group and have learnt and identified a lot of new skills from my experiences in this short times. Meetings with the co-leader Jenn and activity supervisor Mr. Lockwood taught me the importance of planning, communicating and collaborating with students in the team during activities taught me about responsibility, leadership and setting an example as a leader, while many other events made me realize the importance of teamwork, the global importance and meaning of a small scale activity such as this in the real 'big' world, and the ethical implications of actions towards creating a more environmentally sustainable environment in OSC to the school community and to the host country. The teachings from this activity helped me to engage in both the Creativity and Service aspects of the CAS programme. I will continue to take part in the recycling group as a perseverant and commited leader next semester in order to develop new skills, continue to learn and improve from reflecting upon my own strengths and areas of growth, and to gain such special and one-of-a-kind experiences.

My Action activities this semester, both Badminton as well as Swimming, have been successful. I have been able to develop new skills, work collaboratively with others, and achieve my goals of improving my physical stamina and becoming a more tactical badminton player while enjoying the sport. I also recognized that while my badminton skills had developed and increased, my personal areas of growth that I will continue to target next semester are stamina, strength, agility and game tactics.

I will to continue to engage in all the aspects of the CAS programme in the next semester as well. I will cherish the experiences from the first semester. Now, I am looking forward to a CAS filled last semester of my school life starting next week.

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